Stirling Weather on the Radio

My weather program, Stirling Weather, will be featured on Saturday, January 13, between 4 and 6pm Alaska Standard Time on the TechTAK program on KFAR 660 AM in Fairbanks, Alaska.  To quote the TechTAK show website, TechTAK is, “… a show which allows you to call in with your PC problems or questions. We are the #1 tech talk show in Alaska! Our listeners live all over the world. We have people listening over the internet stream on every continent, and the group just keeps growing.” 

The host of the show, Takali Omega, is originally from Boulder and found my program as he was looking for programs for his new Pocket PC.  He asked if it would be ok to feature Stirling Weather on his show, and I said that I would be thrilled.  Takali is doing a segment this week on Windows Mobile and the Pocket PC.  You can listen live on his website at